Tower Tricksters


Creating a 1-4 player couch co-op game with a team consisting of different majors (3 Artists and 2 Programmers). The game is created in 12 weeks and runs through several stages of production in sprints a few weeks each: prototyping, production and polish.

What did I do?

The other programmer and myself worked on each other's systems often, but I mainly did the following:

  • I created the base for most systems, such as the turn system, the event system and the powerup system.
  • I programmed the powerups and the effects and added them to the powerup system.

The Game

As the title of this page suggests, my team went with Tower Tricksters. The game concept is based on placing and balancing blocks of various shapes on top of each other, where physics is your enemy. Each player takes a turn placing a block, hopefully without it falling off or having the whole tower come crashing down.
There are a couple of powerups we came up with to either aid or disrupt the player. Activating the powerup results in the next block you place having that powerup. Here are a few of them:

  • Slime: makes any block that makes contact stick to it
  • Heavy: makes the block that it is used on heavier
  • Wind: kicks up gusts of wind during the player's turn

Overview Page

The player who first reaches the score displayed on the hud wins the round and will go into the next one as the victor. The amount of points required to win the round will be increased each time, so it becomes harder and harder to reach the required score each round. There is also the option to stop playing after each round, so the game is as infinite as the players choose to.


This project was the first time I worked in a team to create a game, and the same counts for the other members. It was always a great seeing how the project slowly came to life, from a prototype with simple shapes to a nice finished game. There were of course times it was frustrating, especially when something didn't entirely go as planned, but we pushed through that as a team. Overall, it was a great first experience working on an actual game, and I'm hungry for more!

You can read more about our project and download it from here .

Have fun!